When you walk into the bathroom, what’s the first thing you see? In most cases, it’s the countertop.
Since it’s where the eyes travel first, it should always look its best!
But since your bathroom is one of the most-frequented rooms in your home, it’s easy to get used to the way that things look—and you might not even be aware that it’s time to replace your bathroom countertop.
In this article, we’ll share a few common symptoms of a bathroom countertop that’s past its prime.
If you’re ready for a replacement, get in touch with True Blue Surfaces today!
Doing a simple bathroom countertop replacement can do wonders for the room and your home in general. It will liven up the space of the bathroom, and if you sell your home down the road, having a new countertop will increase its resale value!
If you’re not sure whether it’s time to replace your bathroom countertop, True Blue Surfaces is here to help. In this article, we’ll provide a few surefire signs that your bathroom countertop’s prime has come and gone, and that it’s time to look into finding something new.
Take a look at this list of common signs that countertop replacement is needed and see if you fall into any of these categories:
You’ve got surface damage
It’s likely that you use your bathroom countertop each and every day, so chances are it’s going to see some wear and tear over the years. This type of damage is more likely in countertops made of nondurable material (like laminate, for example). If your countertop has enough damage that it’s compromising not only its looks, but also its integrity and usefulness, it’s most definitely time for a replacement.
You notice mold
Mold in the house is never a good thing, and the bathroom is one of the most common places for it to show up. That’s because the bathroom is often damp and cool, which are two qualities that mold needs to thrive in an environment.
Even if your bathroom has good ventilation, it’s still possible for mold to sprout—and you might not even be able to see it. If you have plumbing issues like a leaky sink, mold will be attracted to the place under the cabinet and might eventually make its way into the vanity. And when it gets inside the vanity, there’s no getting it out—because that means there’s probably mold inside the countertop too.
The only way to make sure all the mold is gone is to completely replace your bathroom countertop slab. Don’t risk the health and well-being of your family!
Your house is on the market
Buyers look at two rooms first: the kitchen and the bathroom, so you want to make sure that those two places stand out (in a good way!) in your home. If your house is on the market, you’ll want to heavily consider a bathroom countertop replacement because a brand-new countertop in the bathroom is going to put buyers at ease knowing they won’t have to replace it anytime soon. Your home will stand apart from the rest that they’re looking at, and they’ll be quicker to consider you.
You’re updating the cabinets
You can’t update your cabinets without updating the countertop! Well, you can, but it might make the room seem a little off kilter. New cabinets will benefit your bathroom greatly, but they’ll be dragged down by the look of an old countertop if that surface doesn’t get updated in the same way.
If you’re simply staining or repairing your bathroom cabinets, you don’t necessarily have to replace your bathroom countertop too. But it never hurts!
The bathroom is getting upgraded
Many natural stone countertops will continue to look great after they’ve reached a certain age—but that doesn’t mean they’re trendy anymore. So even if your countertops still look good and do the work they’re supposed to, consider the current trending style.
An outdated countertop can bring the value of your home down significantly, but replacing them with something new and updated is a great way to freshen up the space.
You don’t have enough room
If you aren’t crazy about the layout of your bathroom and you’re ready for something new, nothing is stopping you from tearing out the countertop and starting from scratch. This task most definitely calls for a countertop replacement!
We want you to enjoy the way your bathroom looks. At True Blue Surfaces, we can help bring your vision to life. Give us a call today at (512) 599-4294 to get started.
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